The Wildlife Research and Training Institute (WRTI) is organizing the 2nd International Wildlife Scientific Conference to be held in Naivasha, Kenya, under the theme: “Innovations in Wildlife Science and Practice for Sustainable Biodiversity Conservation and Socio-economic Development”.
The purpose of the conference is to share wildlife scientific findings, experiences and expertise with other scientists internationally. This conference will act as a channel to disseminate information gathered on wildlife science for decision making and policy formulation.
The objectives of the 2nd International Wildlife Scientific Conference are;
a. To review the progress based on the recommendations from the 1st Wildlife Scientific Conference September 2025.
b. To present wildlife scientific discourses to researchers, managers, policy makers and stakeholders.
c. To provide and enhance networking fora and share wildlife and related research findings.
d. To obtain reviews and feed back to improve future work and increase professionalism.
e. Publish conference proceedings and scientific works presented.
The conference is expected to bring together, scientists, wildlife managers, policy and decision makers, private sector and wildlife conservation stakeholders to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered, and solutions adopted to sustain biodiversity conservation for socio-economic development.